Ah, fall is the air. Are you ready for brilliantly colored leaves, pumpkin flavored treats, apple cider, or, ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? George Will once said, “Football combines the worst two things about America: violence punctuated by committee meetings”. What that means is that for the next five months many Americans who tune in to NFL games will be watching a lot of TV but, in actuality, very little football. Several studies including one by the Wall Street Journal have calculated that although an NFL game lasts about 3 hours and 12 minutes there are only a mere 11 minutes of actual play time that takes place. Why is that? One big culprit is the rules. The paperback version of the NFL rulebook is close to 300 pages in length and filled with rules and regulations that address almost every possible scenario that could take place during a game. And while the rules may seem excessive and overbearing, they serve to ensure the uniformity, integrity, and safety of the game and its players.
Rules impact nearly every aspect of our lives. We can’t get away from them, nor should we. There are rules for governance, conduct, mathematics, grammar, driving, even cooking and the list goes on and on. It is fair to say that without rules there would be anarchy. Rules provide a society with structure and accountability. As a builder or manufacturer, you too are subject to a unique set of rules that address every aspect of your homebuilding from development through settlement. And, if the rules aren’t followed, there can be big problems. Without proper site preparation, foundations can fail. Without proper flashing, homes will leak. Without proper placement of beams, loads won’t be supported. Without proper spacing between joists, floors will sag. And this list too goes on and on.
The good news is that if you are an RWC, HOME of Texas and/or MHWC member builder, only the best of the best are accepted into their program…builders/manufacturers that follow the rules. Your homebuyers can be assured that you have met the company's high standards of quality workmanship, financial stability, and ethical customer dealings. And, then there’s the rulebook…The Limited Warranty Agreement. Your homeowners are given a set of rules, in writing, that explains what’s acceptable, what’s not and what steps to follow. What a great way to show them your integrity and how much you care about the product you deliver. Vince Lombardi once said, “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence”.
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