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New Home Warranties
for Manufactured Homes

A New Beginning

The 2023 National Sales Meeting, held in Harrisburg, PA, October 24-26, brought forth a blend of emotions as we welcomed new faces, felt the absence of some big personalities, and embarked on a journey to accomplish some major achievements.

At the 11th hour we got the unfortunate news that we would be without fellow colleagues Fred Taylor and Jana Watts for the weeklong rally. They were sorely missed personally and professionally, as two of our most prolific and confident “conversation starters.” Some new faces included Crystal Jackson from the Midwest, Tiaira Satchell covering the northern mid-Atlantic region, and Logan Canby as our new New Jersey Account Executive.

The other elephant in the room was the absence of our long-time leader and recent retiree, Sue Palkovic. Sue’s fingerprints were all over this meeting as most of the leg work putting it together came from her and Assistant Manager, Jody Lehman. Many thanks to both for shaping it up.

The first day of the meeting kicked off with 30 minutes of where we came from, where we are now, and where we’re going with President/Owner, George Parmer. Richard Swartz, Executive VP and Chief Counsel was up next to share his words of wisdom and encouragement. Additional managers who delivered presentations and lead brainstorming sessions included those from the IT Department, Insurance, and Marketing.

We also formally announced the results of our annual sales competition with Staci Cool taking first place and Fred Taylor grabbing second. Additional certificates of merit were awarded as well.

The 2nd annual Round Robin Session took place the next day at the corporate office. Account Executives were teamed up and conducted visits to the Membership, Enrollments, and Warranty Resolution Departments to gain insights into current developments and to refresh their knowledge of daily operations. The third and final morning started off with discussions of our Key Estates Extended Warranty Product. The afternoon allowed management to rejoin the sales team for a comprehensive review of the Round Robin sessions. The conversation proved to be productive and forward thinking. Such opportunities for the Account Executives to interact and brainstorm with the staff at the corporate headquarters are priceless. It creates a chemistry and camaraderie that is enviably portrayed in our business practices with our members and their homeowners.

Ambition was high heading into the meeting. We’ve put a lot on our plate for 2024. There’s one way to get there. In the words of Rich Swartz (quoting his track and field coach) - “Run as hard as you can for as long as you can.” and that's exactly what we plan to do.


5300 Derry St, Harrisburg, PA 17111

(717) 561-4494

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Dates: March 28 - March 31
Account Executive: Tifanee McCall
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